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The best bit was information about first action in case of exposure
Thank you, I am encouraging rest of my staff to attend and I will look at the Listening Buddy course.
Lorainne Jenkins, Occupational Health Nurse Advisor – Workare Ltd.
Helped reinforce and refresh existing knowledge. The course delivery was also very engaging. Thank you really enjoyed it!
Kevin Connolly, FM Business Partner – Pobl Group
What was the most useful part? The questions and then explaining the answers. I have used this technique myself before and it is very effective in retaining attention and making the subject matter easier to engage with.
Huw Davies, Head of Finance and Central Services, Cadw – Welsh Government.
Scored 5 out of 5 across the board!
The most useful bit was learning about HART and Steps 1, 2, 3.
It was very useful discussing with the other attendees how they promote mental welling in their places of work. Also, the figures around missed days of work really hit home how important it is to ensure a positive workplace and be open and transparent with staff. An excellent course! I will be telling all my colleagues.
Jess Glave, Director – This Is Signature Limited